Friday, August 28, 2020

An Old Lodge at Dugum

This is an old lodge built probably in the 1960s Geez Calendar by the visionary man of deeds Raesi #Seyoum #Mengesha, the then governor of Tigrai.

The buildings constructed to reflect the exact housing style of typical Tigrai architecture with a grand vision of serving as a lodge to tourists visiting #Gheralta and surrounding.

Located at #Degum, a small town serving as a gateway to the Gheralta chains of mountains, they are on the roadside of the main highway running #Abraha_We_Atsbeha to #Megab. Facing to the south and southwest mountains, they have the best view of the majestic escarpments.

Today, these buildings are mere ruins left to tell unfinished history in the making. I can imagine the motive and #vision behind the project that drove the Raesi to construct it. This is farsightedness in leadership. This is what a visionary leadership means.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

ታሪኽ ኣያና ግራዝማች ሓዱሽ ኑርሑሴን ካብ 1926 ክሳብ 2012። ኣያና ንትግራይ እንታይ ገይሮምላ?

ግራዝማች ሓዱሽ ኑርሑሴን ማያዝያ 1926 ዓ/ም ኣብ ሽረ ፍሉይ ቦታ ዓዲሓኖ ተወሊዶም። 
ግራዝማች ሓዱሽ ብዕድመን ብቁመትን ምስዓበዩ ኣብ ዓድዋ ሃይማናታውን ኣካዳሚያውን ትምህርቲ ተማሂሮም። ብድሕሪ እዚ ድማ ናብ ጎንደር ከይዶም ብተሓደ ገፅ ትምህርቶም እንትከታተሉ በቲ ኻሊእ ገፅ ድማ መካየዲ ስራሕ መዋፈሪ መካይን ሓጂ ዓብዱ ኮይኖም ሰሪሖም። 
1956 ዓ/ም መካየዲ ስራሕ መዋፈሪ መካይን ሓጂ ዓብዱ ኮይኖም ናብ መቀለ ተቀይሮም መፂኦም። 
ግራዝማች ሓዱሽ ምስ ኣመሓዳሪ ትግራይ ዝነበሩ ልኡል ራእሲ መንገሻ ብሙዃን ሰፋሕቲ ናይ ልምዓት ስራሕቲ ሰሪሖም እዮም። 
ግራዝማች ሓዱሽ ህዝቢ እንትብደል ምርኣይ ብጣዕሚ ይስመዖም ስለዝነበረ ኣንፃር መንግስቲ ሃይለስላሰ ቃልሲ ንምጅማር 1948 ዓ/ም ምስ ስሑል ኮይኖም ማሕበር ሸውዓተ ዝበሃል ሕቡእ ማሕበር ኣጣይሾም ነይሮም። መንግስቲ ነቲ ምንቅስቃስ ነቂሑ ንንስሑል እንትእሰሩ ተዘሓሒሉ። መሊሶም 1952 ዓ/ም ስሑል ካብ ኡሱር ቤት ምስተፈተሐ ማሕበር ሰለስተ ዝበሃል ሕቡእ ውዳበ ቃልሲ ኣብ መቀለ ኣጣይሾም ቃልሶም ቀፂሎም። በዚ ጥራሕ ጠጠው ከየበሉ ምስ ስሑልን ብርሃነ ኣየለን ተማኺሮም ኣብ ኤርትራ ምስ ዝነበረ መራሒ ውድብ ጀብሃ እድሪስ ዓወተ ኣብ ቀፃሊ ምጅማር ብረታዊ ቃልሲ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ተዛትዮም እዮም። 
ግራዝማች ሓድሽ ኣብቲ ካብ 1961 ዓ/ም - 1966ዓ/ም ዝነበረ ምንቅስቃስ ተማሃሮ ንምዕዋት ምስ ስሑል ኮይኖም ኣብ ዩንቨርስቲ ኣዲስ ኣበባ እንዳኣተው ተማሃሮ ንመሰሎም ቃልሶም ከጉሃህሩ የለዓዕሉ ነይሮም።
ህወሓት ደደቢት ቃልሲ እንትትጅምር ስሑል ንግራዝማች ሓዱሽ ኣብ ከተማ ኮይንኩም ሓግዙ ኢሉዎም ንበረኻ እንትወፍር ፈለማ ገንዘብን እኽልን ንጀመርቲ ቃልሲ ኣወፊዮም። ድሓር ድማ ብሬናት ከይተረፈ ኣፅዋራት እንዳዓደጉ ይልእኹ ነይሮም።
1970 ዓ/ም ቀለበት ዝሓዛ ሓንቲ ሓይሊ ህወሓት ኣብ ከተማ ሰለኽለኻ መጥቃዕቲ እንትትፍፅም ግራዝማች ሓዱሽ ናይ ውልቆም መኪና ብተጋደልቲ ህወሓት ተሃጂማ። ግራዝማች ሓዱሽ ፀገም የለን ነቲ ቃልሲ ክትጠቅመኩም እያ ውሰድዋ ኢሎም ፈቂዶም ኣወፊዮማ። 
ግራዝማች ሓዱሽ ድሕሪ ዓወት እውን ኣብ ምጥያሽ ትካላት ትእምት ኣበርክቶ ነይሩዎም። 
ካብ መለስ ጀሚሩ ክሳብ እቶም ሕዚ ኣብ ማእኸላይ ኮሚቴ ንዘለው ኣመራርሓ ልክዕ ከም ደቆም ብምርኣይ ኣባታዊ ምኽሪ ይልግሱሎም ነይሮም። 
ግራዝማች ሓዱሽ ኹላሻዕ ዝደጋግምዋ ቃሎም ኣንቱም ደቅና ትግራይና ኣማዕብልዋ። ትግራይ ካብ ሽርሕታት ሽዋ ነፃ ግበሩዋ ይብሉ ነይሮም። 
እዞም ሃርበኛ ልምዓት ወላዲ ደጊም ዕድመይ ደፊአ እየ ጥዕና እውን ኣይግድን ዘለኹ እሞ ዝተረፈት ህይወተይ ንትግራይ እንዳሰራሕኩ ኣብ ትግራይ ዓደይ ክቅበር ምእንቲ ኢሎም ናብራ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ገዲፎም ኣብ ሽረ እዮም ዝነበሩ ነይሮም። 
ግራዝማች ሓዱሽ ንርእሶም ለጋስ ኮይኖም ካብ ኣፎም ንሰብ ኣቀዲሞም እንትህቡ ብተደጋጋሚ ሓሚሞ መሐከሚ ስኢኖም ተሸጊሮም እዮም። ካሊእ ይትረፍ ናይታ ዘወፈኽዋ መኪና ቁሩብ ሃቡኒ ንመሐከምን ንልምዓት ትግራይ ከወፊ ኢሎም ንኣባይ ወልዱ፣ ኣለም ገ/ዋህድ፣ ጀነራል ሳሞራ ካልኦት ላዕለዎት ኣመራርሓን ከም ዝሓተቱ ናይ ዓይኒ መሰኻኽርን ሰነዳዊ ፅሑፍ ደብዳበን ኣለና።
ግራዝማች ሓዱሽ ኑርሑሴን ትማሊ 19 ነሓሰ 2012 ዓ/ም ካብዛ ዓለም ብሞት ተፈልዮም ኣለዉ። 

ሙሉእ ታሪኽን ቃልሲ ኣብ ልምዓት ኣብ ሃይማኖታዊ ምንቅስቃስ ከይተረፈ ግራዝማች ሓዱሽ ካብ ቃሎም ብፁሑፍን ኦዲዮን እውን ኣረኪቦምኒ እዮም።  
እቲ ዘሕዝነኒ ድማ መቃብር ስሑል ካብ ሓመድ ናብ ስሚንቶ ቀይርኩም ብህይወት እንዳሃለኹ ኣርእዩኒ ዝበሉና ቃል ዘይምፍፃምና እዩ። ኣቦ ፈጣሪ ይቀበልኩም

Saturday, August 22, 2020

What is Ashenda (ኣሸንዳ) Festival?

Ashenda (Tigrinya: ኣሸንዳ), also called Ashendeye (አሸንድዬ)Shadey (ሻደይ)Solel (ሶለል) in Amharic, is a cultural festival celebrating in northern Ethiopia among Orthodox Christianity followers. It is typically celebrated between 22–29 August every year. Its length varies from three days to one month depending on the locale (shorter in urban areas, longer in rural areas). The holiday is mainly celebrated in the Tigrai and spread to some parts of the neighboring region Amhara. In this festival, young girls don Habesha kemis singing songs as they gathered in dozen while using traditional musical instruments, mainly kebero.

The holiday has several local names.

1. In Waghimra Zone, Shadey in Lasta Solel

2. In Raya, Enderta, Adwa, Shire, Tembien, and Mekelle it is called Ashenda (Tigrinya: ኣሸንዳ) (16 17 August).

3. In Adigrat it is called Mariya (Tigrinya: ማርያ) (16–18 August).

4. In Axum it is called Ayniwari (Tigrinya: ዓይኒዋሪ) (24–26 August).

Saturday, May 23, 2020

ጉማየ ታ ማለት ዩኡ?

✍️✍️✍️ ጉማየ ✍️✍️✍️

ጉማየ ታ ማለት ዩኡ?

ጉማየ አጀማምራኡ ቓደም ቕድሚ ቓደማይ ወያነ ምስ ግዜ ጋዝ ትደሓሐዘ ዩኡ። ጋዝ ብወለዲና ኣብ ዓፋርይ ራዮተትይ ድግበር ድነበረ ጥርት ብሓይሊ ምውራር ኾይኑ ድቲ ወራር ትፈላለዩ ኣፅዋር ብመፅዐኛ ምስ ስንቆም ፅዕኖም ይኸዱ። ኣብቲ ግዜ ትፈላለዩ ሕጭረት ስንቂ ስለ ዳጋጥም ሰባት ኣብ ኸይዲ ይርሕቡ፣ ማይ ይፀሙኡ የኦም። ሓደ ግዜ ድሕሪ ጋዝ ሓደ ጋዘታይ ኣብ መንገዲ ደኽሙ የመና ማይ ፅምኢ ኣጋልሱ ዳብ እግሪ ኦም ካፅልል ትብሎ ኣብ ከባቢ ዓፋር ጋሞጀ ድበሃል ጉማ ድበሃል ኦሞራ ክበልዖ ይሻለል። ስውኣይ ጠበንጃኡ ኣዋድዱ ክወቅዖ ትብል ጉማ ዳብ ሰማይ ልዕል ይብል። ድደኸመ ጋዘታይ ኣብ ውሽጢ ቓንጠፍጠፈ ፅላል ግልህ ግልህ ኣብሉ ኣፈሙዝ ዳኦሞራ ውጥ ኣብሉ ከይፀፍዖ ላተሓላለየ ላተሓላለየ ይፀንሕ። ድሕሪዚ ስውኣይ ቑዘማ ይጅምር...

ጉማ ጉማ ጉማ
ትሻለልኻ ሲማ
ጉማ ጉማ ጉማ
ኾለልኻኒ ስማ
ጉማ ጉማ ጉማ
ትበልዕ ደማ
ጉማ ጉማ ጉማ
ሽላ ሰማይ ትሻለልኻ ሲማ

ትበልዐኒ ደማ ውሉ ዳብ ዜማ ይቕይሮ። ድሕሪ ትወሰነ ግዜ ምድሪ ዝሕልሕል ምባል ትጅምር ጉማ ተስፋ ቖርፁ ይኸድ ስውኣይለ ፅምኢ ቑርፅ ያብለሉ ምድሪ ዝሕል ብድበሎ ቖፅለ በረኻ ሸማጥጡ በልዑ ድሕረኡ ካቲ ቓንጠፍጠፈ ወፁ ክኸድ ትብሎ ቓንጠፍጠፈኡ ቀጭ ላበሎ ላሕ ብዳበሎ ለለ ጉማ ይጅምር....

ጉማ ጉማ ጉማ
ኣግባእኻኒ ኣብ ማእኸል ሁርማ
ጉማ ጉማ ጉማ
ትበልዐኒ ደማ..

ካጋዝ ድኻተተ ኹሉ ትኣክቡ በል ሰብ ሓብሩ ትበሃል እቲ ድደኸመ ሰብ ደይምህላዩ ይፍለጥ። ኣጋጣሚ ኣብ ድኾነ ቦታ በፅሑ ሃምድነበረ ድረአዮ ስውኣይ ኣብ ሃምዚ ዳበለ ከባቢ በፅሑ ነብሩ ድሕረኡ ግን ኣያም ኣይበልኹዎይ ይብል። ድሕሪዚ እቲ ርእየዮ ድበለ ምስ መሓዝቱ ኾይኑ ኣብታ መጠረሻ ድረአዮ ቦታ ካድበፅሑ ሁር ላበሉ ይኸዱ። ኣብቲ ቦታ ብድበፅሑ በቃ እዚ ኹሉ ኩናት ሓልፉዶ እኸለ ዓርከይ ኣብዚ ብትባራሪ ሰብ ከልፊ ቓርዩ ዩኡ ብድብል ላሓዘኑ….

ኣጋጣሚ ምድሪ ብድነፈሰሉ እቲ ስውኣይለ ካብቲ ድነበሮ ጎሽጎሻ ውሽጢ ወፁኡ ዳዓዱ ክምለስ ላበለ ኣሰር ኣሰር ደቂ ጋዙ ላትኻተለ ክኸድ ዱኡ ዳለያ ድመፁ መሓዝቱ ዶርጋዕ ዶርጋዕ ድብል ድምፂ ስለድሰምዐ ካብ ጉማ ወፀዶ ለለ ኻልኣት ደመኛ መፆምኒ ብሉ ገለስ ብሉ ኣድርጩ ላሃለ ኣጋጣሚ ኣዕርኽቱ ኾይኖም የቶ እኸለ ዓርክና ካዚ ኹሉ ጭፍጭፍ ጋዝ ወፅኻዶ ኣብ መንገዲ ኣደዳ ጉማ ኾይንኻ ቓረኻ ትብል ቀው ኣብሉ ይስምዖም። ኣዕርኽቱ ምኻኖም ብድፈለጠ ኣዕርኽተ ኣብዚ የአ ድነሀኹ ይብሎም። ድሕረኡ ትሓጉሶም ቃውሳ ወቕዖም ዕይይይ…. ይብሉ። ዳቶም ደቂ ጋዝ ይኸዱ፣

ድሕሪዚ ዳደቂ ጋዝ ጥቓ ትበፅሕለዩ መግለፂ ሓጎስ ለለ ቃውሳ ዕይይይይይ ይብሉ። ካዉኡ ደቂ ጋዝይ ኣቦ ጋዝይ መፆም መፆም.... ብሎም ትሓጉሶም ሃመይ ሃምድቓረየ፣ድምንታይ ሃምድቓረየ ይጥዩቑዎ። ጉማ ድገበሮ ግባሮ ኹሉ ድወፀሉ ኹነታት ገልፁ..

ሃመይ ብልኻማ ወፅኻ ትብለዩዎ

ጉማ ጉማ ጉማ
ትሻለልኻ ሲማ
ጉማ ጉማ ጉማ
ኾለልኻኒ ስማ
ጉማ ጉማ ጉማ
ትበልዕ ደማ
ጉማ ጉማ ጉማ
ሽላ ሰማይ ትሻለልኻ ሲማ
ጉማ ጉማ ጉማ
ኣግባእኻኒ ኣብ ማእኸል ሁርማ
ጉማ ጉማ ጉማ
ትበልዐኒ ደማ..

ብለ ሓውሲ ቖዘማ ላቖዘምኹ ጉማ ምድሪ መሽዩዎ ኣውድቑኒ ኸይዱ፣ ኣነለ መንገድይ ክቕፅል ጅምር ታብል መሓዙተ ትቓብሎምኒ ብድበሎም ደስታ ፈስታ ኾይኖም ድሕርዚ ስምዕት ትፈላለዩ ኹነታት መግለፂ ኾይኑ ብኡ ጉማየ ትለምዱ ቓርዩዩ በለና በልናካትኹም ኣየና መንገሻ ኣምባሳደር ባህሊ ራያና። ኣብ ጉማየ ፍሉይ ስምዒትኻ ምቁፅፃር ኣውዩካ ውርር ታብለካሎ ብሁብብብ..ታ ይግለፅ። ሁብብብ ደማ ናፅጋብ ወይ ታሕጓስ መግለፂ ዩኡ።

እዚ ፅሑፍዚ ምስ ትወሰነ መራጎዲ ሓሳብ ትቃምሙ ኣብ ድኾነ ስራሕ ሕዝናዮ ቦኽ ድምባል ንሙክር የና። ድኹሉይ ምሉይ ዕድመይ ጥዕኛይ ይሃበና።

ፍልፍል ሓሳብ፣ መንገሻ ረዳኢ

Monday, May 11, 2020


The town of Kwiha, some 10 km East of Mekelle, shows continuous human occupation from the  Bronze Age (ca. third millennium) throughout Axumite times to the medieval period. Archaeological evidence suggests that the rock shelter in Kwiha, excavated in 1940, was the place where obsidian lithics and later ceramics were produced. Kwiha and its surroundings were occupied during the  Axumite period (and maybe during the pre-Axumite period?). To the North-East of the city, a stone building with carved pillars maybe a church (Enda Qirqos) or a domestic building, and to the North-West, three long stone pillars remain from an important building. 
Because Kwiha is situated on the trade route linking the Afar depression with its traditional salt-mines,  it was a trading center, probably from Ancient times, and throughout the medieval period, there were  Muslim and Arab trading communities living side by side with the Christian community. From the Muslim, cemetery comes a substantial number of Islamic steles ranging from the 10th cent. to the 13th  century. 

A rock shelter was excavated in the 1940s by Lieutenant-Colonel F. Moysey while he was serving with the British Armed Forces during the Second World War. A whole sequence of the ceramic-bearing  lithic assemblage was recovered from the site. The rock-shelter at Kwiha contains an interesting series  referable on account of the presence of pottery, and the typology of the stone industry, to the Late  Stone Age. The assemblage consists predominantly of microlithic but contains largely utilized blades,  burins, and scrapers reminiscent of the Hargeisan culture of the northern Somali plateau.
The ceramics found at the site consist of reddish non-decorated pots that were in use in the prehistoric period. The assemblage also contained limited faunal remains14. Following Moysey's excavation, the material was taken to Nairobi, where it is currently stored in the foreign collections of the National Museum of Kenya. Although the samples are small, possibly incomplete, and constrained by the lack of contextual information, it is still important because it represents one of the few stratified sequences in Tigray.

To read the whole paperwork Here

Friday, May 8, 2020

Abuna Yemata Guh a monolithic church!!

Abuna Yemata Guh is a monolithic church located in the Hawzen woreda of the Tigray Region, Ethiopia. It is situated at a height of 2,580 meters (8,460 ft) and has to be climbed on foot to reach. It is notable for its dome and wall paintings dating back to the 5th century and its architecture.

The church is one of the "35-odd rock-hewn churches, the largest concentration anywhere in Ethiopia." It is situated in the erstwhile Gar'alta woreda. The entrance is reached by a steep and hazardous ascent with hand and footholds in the rock. Visitors have to cross a natural stone bridge with a sheer drop of approximately 250m on either side and thereafter a final narrow wooden footbridge. A strenuous ascent is followed by a climb up a vertical rock wall depending entirely on handgrips and footholds (without additional support) crowned with a walk over a 50 cm wide ledge facing a cliff of 300 meters (980 ft) sheer drop. The standing pillars are made up of Enticho and Adigrat Sandstones, which are the last erosional remnants of a sandstone formation that once covered the Precambrian basement.

According to local legend, the church was hewn in the sixth century and dedicated to Abuna Yemata (also referred to as Abba Yem'ata), one of the Nine Saints. The Nine Saints are traditionally believed to have originated from Rome, Constantinople, and Syria between the end of the fifth and beginning of the sixth century.

The paintings on the walls and domes of the church are preserved in a reasonable state. An extensive study was undertaken to understand the reason behind this phenomenon. The design of the traceries in the church replicates those found in nearby churches of Gher'alta, such as Debre Tsion church. There are more paintings depicting figures from the Old Testament than from the New Testament. The dry air and lack of humidity have preserved these frescoes in their original perfection. The paintings date back to initial traces of Christianity in Ethiopia and are themed around the nine saints and twelve apostles. The oldest icons are in the form of diptychs and triptychs dating back to the fifteenth century.

ውቑር ቤተክርስትያን ኣርባእቱ እንስሳ ዓዲ ጭዋ

ውቅር ቤተ ክርስትያን ኣርባእቱ እንስሳ ዓዲ ጭዋ። እዚ ቤተ ክርስትያን እዚ ኣብ ወረዳ ሳዕሲዕ ፃዕዳ እምባ ፣ ጣብያ ስንቃጣ ፣ቁሸት ዓዲ ጭዋ ዝርከብ ካብ ከውሒ ዝተፈልፈለ ህንፃ እዩ። 44 ካብ ኮክሒ ዝተፈልፈሉ ዓምዲ ድማ ይውንን።

Photo credit, Saba Hailu 
ካብ ከተማ ፍረወይኒ ኣስታት 1.5 ኪ/ሜ ንኣንፈት ምብራቅ ርሒቁ ዝርከብ እንትኸውን 6 ዓርሶም ክኢሎም ጠጠው ዝበሉ ካብ ከውሒ ዝተፍልፈሉን 6 ድማ ምስቲ ዋና ከውሒ(mother rock) ተታሒዞም ዝተሰርሑ ዓምድታት ይርከብዎ።ኣብ ውሽጡ 3 ቤተ መቅደስ ኣለዎ።ኣብቲ ከውሒ ዝተስኣሉ ናይ መላእክታት ስእሊ፣ መሳቅል፣ ጥንታውያን ናይ ብራና መፃሕፍቲን ካልኦት ዕድመ ፀገብ ንዋየ ቅዱሳንን ዝወነነን ኣብ ከባቢ 10ይ ክ/ዘበን ድማ ከም ዝተሰርሐን ይእመነሉ።ካብዚ ብተወሳኺ ኣብ ዙርያ እዚ ቤተክርስትያን ካብ ከውሒ  ዝተሰርሑ መቃብራት እውን ዘለዎ ታሪኻዊ ቤተክርስቲያን እዩ።ምርኣይ ምእማን እዩ እሞ ክንጉብንዮ ኣለና!!